- Building, Renovations and Alterations, Plumbing & Electrical, Waterproofing & Leaks: Paul Ellington 061 477 5012
- Building/Maintence/ Handyman/Painting: Charles Dawes 074 439 8575
- Garage doors & Automation (gates or garages): Warren 074 466 0707
- Pool re-lining / Handyman/Gardens/Painting/: Pretty Green Mark 072 313 9836
- Waterproofing: Pace Weather proof Mark 083 300 9695
- Carpet Cleaning: Johnathon 083 335 3269
- Geyser Management & Solar Water Heating: Raymond 083 457 5646
- Evoxlink Communications - CCTV installation and VOIP communication services - Susan:021 1003898
COC Contractors:
Electrical and Plumbing:
- Techno Group: 021 976 7117
- 1 Call 5 Inspections: 021 556 7451
- Bugs & Sparks: 087 700 4673
Plumbing Only:
- iPlumb - Marcus 079 396 9612
- Unbeatable Plumbers Lance: 021 557 8563 / 082 321 3992
- Aqua – Route: Stephen Engela 082 410 4607
Electrical Only:
- Haybin, 079 985 0001
Eskom Electrical Supply Application:
26 McClaren Drive, Racing Park, Killarney Gardens,
Tel: 0860 037 566
Milnerton Municipality Plans Office:
87 Pienaar Road, Milnerton 021 550 1111